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Nicholas Hellmers Davalos

Software Engineer

About Me

Hi! I'm a dedicated software engineer driven by a relentless curiosity and a deep passion for technology. My journey in the tech industry has allowed me to explore and gain expertise in a diverse array of programming languages and technologies. My approach is always centered around crafting innovative solutions and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in software development.

Currently, I am delving deep into the world of Go, focusing on leveraging its power to build robust, scalable web applications. My goal is to master Go's unique capabilities in web development to enhance user experiences and optimize backend performance.

Some of my Projects

Paraguay Supermarket Products Dataset

Paraguay Supermarket Products Dataset

This dataset includes the name, price (in Guaranies), product url, and image url of supermarket products. The dataset counts with over 40,000 products from 2 different supermarkets in Paraguay. The data was obtained by a scraper I built using Go.

Paraguay Supermarket Products WebApp

Paraguay Supermarket Products WebApp

This uses the information gained from "Paraguayan Supermarket Products Dataset" in order to make an interative querying of the data into webapp form.

Connect with your peers

Connect with your peers

This Chrome extension project aims to streamline the networking with your peers on Canvas.

My Github Summary

User: NicholasHellmers

Public Repos: 22

  1. 3xplus1

    This is a small program in order to code the 3xplus1 conjecture.


  2. array

    Sync array using semaphores


  3. Canvas-Student-Manager

    This is a Rust project to help students streamline the managing of their coursework workloads.


  4. connect-with-your-classmates

    Web app that checks your classmates in your Canvas classes and check for possible connection.


  5. Discord-stats

    HTMX/Go app that communicates with the Zoom API to get usefull information and automize some tasks with that data.


  6. fib

    Useful fib functions written in python


  7. go-web-selfstudy

    Collection of notes and code snippets from my self-study of Go Web Development and for Go In Action


  8. Golang-Mongo-API-template

    This is a template for a Golang REST API for future projects. Uses MongoDB Atlas as database provider.


  9. Instagram-Go-API

    Authenticates and returns select information of the user.


  10. juruja

    Real estate app for Latin America.


  11. mod-manager

    CLI Mod manager built using Rust.



    Personal Website Template


  13. PokeBuilder

    Web app for building pokemon teams


  14. productos-paraguay

    Ecommerce site built with Nuxt js in order to display products gathered using the product scraper.


  15. resume-builder

    Builds a resume with a predefined template based off selected options from your LinkedIn profile.


  16. SinglyLinkedList

    Library for Singly Linked List in Go. It is more about how to create a library, host it on github and import it on a separate project.


  17. UniversityScheduler

    Small project to schedule my own college classes.


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